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Toddler development

Best resources for speech therapy at home! We cover parenting tips & speech and language development to bring you all you need to know to keep your child thriving.

Hearing Loss and Speech Development Delay

Hearing successfully leads to speech and language development, communication, and learning. Children who have been diagnosed with a hearing loss, of any severity, my display…

What Types of Questions You Should Be Asking Your Child?

Speech Therapy Activities for Toddlers at Home Kacy is an ASHA Certified Speech-Language Pathologist that helps parents and caregivers grow their child’s communication skills and confidence in the…

5 Strategies to Help Your Child’s Reading Development

Before giving you some background on how important reading is to your child’s development and why you should be reading on a nightly basis, I…

Causes for Autism - Genetics, Toxins and More

Now science believes there is no one single cause to autism. Instead, it’s believed environmental and biological factors influence the development of autism. Although many factors…

Setting Realistic Therapy Goals

This is especially true if you are collaborating with your child’s speech therapist, as it will allow you to monitor your child closely so that…

Stimming Behavior and Autism: What it is, Causes And How To Manage It

Stimming is any behavior that involved movements or sounds that are repeated to self-stimulate and soothe.  Most stimming behavior involves activating all five senses for…

December Activities for Kids to Boost Speech Development

Look no further! Here are some fun December activity ideas that you can do with your child in your own home during the holidays that…

How the COVID pandemic is Impacting Homeschooling

It takes a lot of time and energy but some parents believe it is a more viable alternative to in-person classes for their children. Since…

Why You SHOULDN’T Say “Use Your Words”

Speech Therapy Activities for Toddlers at Home Kacy Wickerson is an ASHA Certified Speech-Language Pathologist. She helps parents and caregivers grow their child’s communication skills…

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Will My Nonverbal Autistic Child Ever Talk?

For children with autism, the rate of development is slightly different.   Many children with autism are behind in speech and language development. This often…


My son was diagnosed with bilateral hearing loss in both ears last year, and after his surgery, Speech Blubs is the best app to get him on track with kids his age.

- By Nola and Kory

10 Top Tips for At-Home Speech Practice

As such, this can be a tricky process to communicate to our children! That’s why the best way is to model/show our children and let…

Speech Therapy and Frenectomies

First things first, a lot of people might not be aware of what a frenectomy entails. Frenectomy is a simple oral surgical procedure that eliminates…

Is Your Child A Sensory Seeker Or Avoider?

Sensory Avoider (hypersensitive) A sensory avoiding child who struggles with processing environmental stimuli will become overwhelmed.  This results in the child being overly sensitive to…

How Can We Improve Our Communication with Children?

If you are like me, communication with children can be extremely frustrating. Endless questions, unfollowed instructions, the blank look on their faces when we remind…

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Customize A Picture Exchange Communication System For Your Child

But every child is different.  To make PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) work for your child, it needs to be customized.  Now that I’m starting…

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Raising a Bilingual Child

Just because a child is being raised in a bilingual home, does not mean they will develop a speech and language delay. I get a…

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