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Best resources for speech therapy at home! We cover parenting tips & speech and language development to bring you all you need to know to keep your child thriving.

How Can We Improve Our Communication with Children?

If you are like me, communication with children can be extremely frustrating. Endless questions, unfollowed instructions, the blank look on their faces when we remind…

How to Deal with Picky Eaters and Food Aversions

What follows is a basic overview of how to deal with food aversion and picky eaters. If your child has issues with eating, I highly…

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Customize A Picture Exchange Communication System For Your Child

But every child is different.  To make PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) work for your child, it needs to be customized.  Now that I’m starting…

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Raising a Bilingual Child

Just because a child is being raised in a bilingual home, does not mean they will develop a speech and language delay. I get a…

The Importance of Drawing in Your Child's Development

Many parents ask us about the development of drawing skills. When to start teaching drawing? What are the stages of drawing development? Can drawing be…

Bilingual Therapy and How Speech Blubs Can Help

Being a Speech Therapist in South Africa, I’ve had to overcome many challenges when providing therapy to almost every child I’ve seen. South Africa has…

What is The Best Way to Play with a 6, 12, and 24-Month-Old Child?

6-Month-Old: You are Their Favorite Toy The best way to play with a 6-month-old is by getting down on their level. Make animal noises, do…

10 Kids’ Indoor Activities That Burn Extra Energy

Fun indoor activities for children are necessary to keep them entertained and supply a mental break from schoolwork.  During this pandemic, kids’ activity ideas need…

What is Attention Deficit Disorder?

Children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) may also start showing signs of reading and academic problems once they enter kindergarten.  I have a great…

Household Activities as Speech Therapy: Fruit Salad

At-home speech therapy activities? What does this mean exactly? When can you do it at home, and what activities are best? Does cooking with children count?…


My son was diagnosed with bilateral hearing loss in both ears last year, and after his surgery, Speech Blubs is the best app to get him on track with kids his age.

- By Nola and Kory

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Lack of Sleep: Is it Bad for My Child’s Speech Development?

Every parent worries about how much sleep their kids should get. The day-to-day issues of dealing with children and a lack of sleep become really…

5 Myths about Down Syndrome

Since about 1 in 700 babies are born with Down syndrome, or trisomy 21, we don’t necessarily know a family with a child with the…

I’m Dyslexic and My Preschooler Wants to Read: What Next?

For parents who have had challenges related to reading for most of their lives, reading and teaching one’s child how to read can be a…

How To Curb Bad Language in Children

I’ll never forget the first time we heard our daughter swear. We were on our way home from The Bronx Zoo with my sister-in-law and…

Help Your Child Learn the Concept of Time

With the recent current events and everything changing in our lives, I am motivated to change that and I figured there may be more parents…

Turn Household Activities into Speech Therapy: Bathtime

Everyday household tasks or chores can become productive therapy opportunities if you know how to utilize them. For this blog post, I’m going to show…

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