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Parent's Academy

Best resources for speech therapy at home! We cover parenting tips & speech and language development to bring you all you need to know to keep your child thriving.

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Signs your Child Might Be Special Needs

Every developmental leap, such as crawling, walking, and talking, makes us feel more relaxed about their learning.  But what happens if those milestones aren’t being…

Pregnancy and Postpartum during COVID 19 - How to Manage?

Maybe you had to give birth alone, without the partner that you wanted there and who should’ve been there supporting you. Maybe the doula or…

6 Ways Play Benefits Toddler Development

Children are not obliged to play, however, it is something they are naturally driven to do. And for good reason. It is how they learn…

5 Management Tips for Oral Stimming

Oral sensitivities are also known as oral stimming.  A child ‘stims’ as a way of regulating emotions or when he or she is under or…

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What is Deep Pressure Therapy for Kids with Autism?

To help alleviate meltdowns and calm children with sensory issues and autism, deep pressure stimulation is used. Deep pressure stimulation is also known as ‘deep…

Toddler Exercise and Activities to Get Out that Energy!

I’ve always assumed that whatever she is doing, that HAS to be enough, right? At this age, it’s less about how much exercise your toddler…

How to Keep Track of Your Child’s Language Progress

This is a great question because it’s something that I know most parents are thinking about as soon as their child starts speaking. We know…

The Coronavirus is Not a Contest and You’re Not Failing as a Mother

I’ll be honest and tell you that as soon as this happened, I was looking at all of these mothers posting color-coded schedules for their…

20 Ways to Use Water to Support Communication

First of all, there are a host of online platforms and apps such as Speech Blubs that are a simple and cost-effective place to start….

How to Process Your Child's Diagnosis

Most of the time, I tell parents that not only is there a speech disorder, but there may also be other components prohibiting a child…


My son was diagnosed with bilateral hearing loss in both ears last year, and after his surgery, Speech Blubs is the best app to get him on track with kids his age.

- By Nola and Kory

Social Skills Activities for Kids

Social skills development can be difficult to teach, and it makes it more challenging teaching young boys this skill when most therapy materials focus on…

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Child Development: When Should My Child Combine Words?

One of the most worried about concerns for parents regarding child development is to know when their child will be able to communicate effectively. It’s…

Please Don’t Judge Me or My Special Needs Child

Unfortunately, our world is filled with people who are not accepting, who judge, make comments and are just rude when they see a child behaving…

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How to Recognize Early Signs of Executive Functioning Disorder

I work full-time at a public high school. I can tell you that I get kids who have a weakness in executive functioning more times…

Is There a Link Between Antidepressants and Speech Delay?

My first thought when I read this was, “wow, that’s a really good question.” I have several friends who had hyperemesis gravidarum (pregnancy complication that…

A Brief Overview of Down Syndrome

Chances are, we all have had some sort of interaction with someone with Down syndrome. That may include seeing an actor with Down syndrome on…

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