El Robertson

London, UK

Paediatric Speech and Language therapist BSc

This is El, she is a Children’s Speech and Language therapist in the UK. For the last 5 years, she has been working alongside children ages 0-16 in clinics and schools to get super talking started! She has joined the Blub team to help cook up some creative communication content and activities. Fun fact: Favourite game to play – Hide the Spider

El Robertson's Articles
Developing Language Understanding at Home

Now, your little ones might not be at school or nursery, or your local speech therapy might not be available, but this doesn’t mean your…

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The Power of Play: How Games Can Help Your Kid Thrive

Why is child play so important? Play creates the perfect opportunity for learning more language. Whether it is finding new objects, learning new actions, experiencing…

20 Ways to Use Water to Support Communication

First of all, there are a host of online platforms and apps such as Speech Blubs that are a simple and cost-effective place to start….

10 Tips for Improving Reading and Language Learning

If your children are anything like my nieces and nephews, they want the same books read night after night, and often avoid their slightly trickier…

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Mom Guilt — 12 Ways to Deal with It

Every mother (and father!) at some point has these second thoughts. Recently, Serena Williams missed out on her baby Olimpya’s first steps, which led to self-doubts and guilt…

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Wonderful Words - Word Learning for Children

First words are often a mixture of family names, and a few random ones like “doggy,” “baby,” “banana,” and the highly favored “no!” But after…

Staying at Home and Developing Spoken Language

As a therapist, I am constantly saying that “therapy is a daily, parent-led, home-placed task”… and therefore the current climate provides an opportunity to try something new…

10 Top Tips for At-Home Speech Practice

As such, this can be a tricky process to communicate to our children! That’s why the best way is to model/show our children and let…

How Can We Improve Our Communication with Children?

If you are like me, communication with children can be extremely frustrating. Endless questions, unfollowed instructions, the blank look on their faces when we remind…

25 Speech and Language Terms Every Parent Should Know

Whether we are speaking to teachers, health visitors, or speech therapists, there is a lot of new information for any parent to digest and understand. So,…

25 Language-boosting Toddler Games with a Balloon

First of all, the Speech Bulbs App is one option to consider for toddler language games that is a simple and cost effective place to start. Another…

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Kids and Screens: Screen Time Can Be Shared Time

Each parent will make their own choices about the media their child uses, however, there are ways to take the best of both worlds and…

25 Kids Games with a Teddy Bear to Develop Language

Kids’ games for learning language can be made up using things that you already have at home. If you want to make a start without…

11 Ways to Support Language during Your Family Meals

Family meals and gatherings are a great opportunity to model the use of language to babies and toddlers. Get the whole family involved and have…

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Fantastic First Words: Tips to Help Your Baby

But how do you get from simple sounds to first words? Read some tips to help your baby learn to talk! Use Real Words Your…