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Best resources for speech therapy at home! We cover parenting tips & speech and language development to bring you all you need to know to keep your child thriving.

Kairos Speaks: A Journey from Non-verbal to Verbal

Shortly after Kairos’ evaluation, we were told that he may be on the spectrum but he should be given a year to monitor his development….

Abigail the Advocate - Blub Talks #3

This week’s theme is achievement, overcoming obstacles, and reaching one’s full potential. After watching this podcast, you begin to understand how this is totally NOT…

My Chat w/Mitja Mavsar, Co-Founder of Speech Blubs

Speech Blubs caught my attention, and my young son’s because instead of abstract graphics or images the program featured real children modeling speech. I thought…

Collette Divitto's Down Syndrome Story

What Does an Autistic Person Look Like?

Every autistic person is different, maybe one of them has the disorder, and as the saying goes: “If you have met one autistic person, there…

Abigail Adam’s Down Syndrome Story: Overcoming Challenges

Every day is a celebration, a blessing, and a testimony to the importance of determination! A Rough Start for this Baby with Down Syndrome Like…

Down Syndrome and Daniel's Story

The fact is, your child or client with Down syndrome will need intensive speech therapy and home practice. Speech Blubs can help your child as…

Blub Talks with Agile Parenting Coach Susannah Chambers, ICP ACC

Listen to Blub Talks Podcast with Susannah Chambers Watch Blub Talks Podcast about Family Learning The Difference between Family Learning, Homeschooling, and Distance Learning The…

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An Autistic Filmmaker’s Tale of “Hardship, Perseverance, & Hope”

This is truly one of our favorite podcasts! Award-winning autistic filmmaker Scott Klum recently spoke with Speech Blubs host Jaka Z.! This podcast tells the…

Turn Autism Around Podcast: The Speech Blubs App for Autism

This podcast was created and published by Mary Barbera. Mary: You’re listening to the Turn Autism Around podcast episode number one hundred and two, I’m your…


My son was diagnosed with bilateral hearing loss in both ears last year, and after his surgery, Speech Blubs is the best app to get him on track with kids his age.

- By Nola and Kory

Carlo's Story : Apraxia of Speech and Speech Blubs App

What is Apraxia of Speech? In a very simplified definition, Apraxia of Speech is a neurological speech disorder that causes great difficulty in “planning and…

The Journey to Advocacy and Finding Charlie’s Voice

I remember the day like it was yesterday – where I parked, what I was wearing, what day of the week it was. I didn’t…

Blub Talks: How to Foster Independent Play in Toddlers

Our host and teaching sensei Robert M. led our guest through topics relating to independent play, why it’s an important and far-reaching developmental activity for…

My Child Might Be Autistic - How to Increase Communication?

In this video, we will talk about: Effective Learning Techniques for ASD Toddlers Make sure that you watch until the end of this video because…

Is There a Link Between Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Autism?

I have written several blogs for Speech Blubs regarding ASD, causes, symptoms and treatment. Feel free to search for that information, but I won’t be…

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4 Ways To Help A Child With Nonverbal Autism Talk

To help a nonverbal child communicate with even simple words or phrases, early intervention is necessary.  Autism spectrum disorder is complex and most children require…

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