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Baby development

Best resources for speech therapy at home! We cover parenting tips & speech and language development to bring you all you need to know to keep your child thriving.

What is My Baby Trying to Say When She Smiles or Cries?

Smiling isn’t merely “cute,” and crying isn’t necessarily something that only has negative connotations associated with it. Your baby uses these two fundamental mechanisms of…

Babies Learn Grammar Before They Speak

All parents can appreciate the profound moment of their baby’s first words. I remember being so excited when my daughter finally said “mama,” because she…

Infants and Learning through Listening

Listening is an important skill that requires a child to hear a message, understand it, and then act accordingly. Young children who have listening difficulties…

Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby

As a speech pathologist, I am keenly aware of how my kids accepted food into their mouths, chewed and then swallowed. I was looking for…

Parentese - More Than Just “Baby Talk”

As a speech pathologist, it would always make me cringe to hear parents talking to their babies in this way. Annoyance level notwithstanding, it’s just…

When Do Babies Start Talking?

When does Babbling Turn into Talking? With regard to babbling and communication, I can’t really tell you how long it’s going to take for your…

Colic in Babies: Personal Experience and Coping Tips

I remember being around a young mom who’s son is about 6 months younger than my daughter. Her son had colic and was just miserable…

Language Development Starts in the Womb

Research has shown that children at around 8 months gestation can begin to distinguish between English and Japanese! Using non-invasive sensing technology from the University…

Fine Motor Development in Toddlers

Your child will progress from opening and closing their hand to writing their name with a pencil in preschool. But how do children develop fine…

When Do Babies Start Walking and Talking

If you have children and have done your research, you know MOST children take their first steps somewhere between 10 and 12 months. It’s our…


My son was diagnosed with bilateral hearing loss in both ears last year, and after his surgery, Speech Blubs is the best app to get him on track with kids his age.

- By Nola and Kory

The 1st Year of Life: Mental and Physical Development

This is why children go through fussy periods, or “leaps,” in their first year and a half of life. For more information on mental and…

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21 Kids Activities to Encourage Speech Development

Have you ever noticed your baby cries differently for different needs? Different cries are baby’s way of communicating with you! But how do a baby’s…

“Baby Talk,” Helpful or a Hindrance?

The reason for this debate, and all the ongoing research, is that speech and language are crucial skills that children begin to learn from infancy….

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Fantastic First Words: Tips to Help Your Baby

But how do you get from simple sounds to first words? Read some tips to help your baby learn to talk! Use Real Words Your…

Ages 1-2: The Beginning of the Toddler Years

Toddler development includes that cute babbling and cooing that we loved during the baby months, turn into real words and actual attempts at communication during…

Can Going to Kindergarten Help Speech Development?

I’m going to make my responses short and sweet. Oh, and they’re the same from both a professional AND a mom perspective. The answer ….

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