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Down syndrome

Best resources for speech therapy at home! We cover parenting tips & speech and language development to bring you all you need to know to keep your child thriving.

My Chat w/Mitja Mavsar, Co-Founder of Speech Blubs

Speech Blubs caught my attention, and my young son’s because instead of abstract graphics or images the program featured real children modeling speech. I thought…

How to Nurture Play Skills in Children with Autism

When your child receives a diagnosis, it’s important to learn how to play with an autistic child. Ask a play therapist how to make playtime…

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Developmental Regression in Toddlers - What Can I Do?

As a parent, it is extremely frustrating to see your child stop progressing in their social, physical, speech, and language development.  Normally, when a child’s…

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): An All-in-One Guide

The term autism is not what it once was. “Autism” originally described a severe set of schizophrenia symptoms in 1911 by a German psychiatrist named…

Executive Function Disorder - What It Is and How to Help

We use executive functioning skills and methods every day to plan, organize, strategize, memorize, and pay attention so that we can: Make plans Keep track…

Autism Awareness Month: Spreading the Word

Let’s take a closer look at autism spectrum disorder by: Giving a brief history of the developmental disorder; Defining ASD; Listing the characteristics of ASD;…

5 Management Tips for Oral Stimming

Oral sensitivities are also known as oral stimming.  A child ‘stims’ as a way of regulating emotions or when he or she is under or…

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What is Deep Pressure Therapy for Kids with Autism?

To help alleviate meltdowns and calm children with sensory issues and autism, deep pressure stimulation is used. Deep pressure stimulation is also known as ‘deep…

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How to Recognize Early Signs of Executive Functioning Disorder

I work full-time at a public high school. I can tell you that I get kids who have a weakness in executive functioning more times…

5 Tips for Disciplining a Child with Autism

Disciplining a child on the autism spectrum is even more difficult than normal. What you thought you knew about disciplining a child with traditional methods…


My son was diagnosed with bilateral hearing loss in both ears last year, and after his surgery, Speech Blubs is the best app to get him on track with kids his age.

- By Nola and Kory

6 Steps To Solve And Change Misbehavior In Children With Autism

Discipling a child with autism takes more patience and a completely different approach. Many children with autism are unable to regulate their emotions and struggle…

Is Autism Hereditary? Speech Therapist's Experience

If you are reading this blog, I assume that you know what autism spectrum disorder entails. Autism spectrum disorder is a condition related to brain…

Creative & Imaginative Play Activities for Autistic Kids that Improve Speech

Canadian non-profit organization The Hanen Centre says that pretend play has positive results on autistic kids’ speech. To learn more about autism, check out Speech…

What Does an Autistic Person Look Like?

Every autistic person is different, maybe one of them has the disorder, and as the saying goes: “If you have met one autistic person, there…

7 Ways to Help Your Child with Non-verbal Autism Speak

Many parents are told that if their child does not use communication by the ages 4 or 5, that they will never talk. A study…

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Signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Parents, caregivers, and teachers need to know the signs of autism in children who have been diagnosed as being on the spectrum. As with any…

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