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Child Development

Discover tips on your child’s development! Our speech therapists advise about play and speech development, as well as potty training and picky eating.

What Does ‘Cognition’ Mean and Why Is It Important?

Cognition consists of the mental activities involved in how your child comprehends and receives information presented to them in their environment. It’s all about acquiring knowledge and…

Speech Development Tips for Twins with Speech Delay

However, it seems that this speech is actually the twins imitating each other’s immature language abilities. “Twin language,” often called ‘idioglossia’ or ‘autonomous language,’ is…

Fine Motor Development in Toddlers

Your child will progress from opening and closing their hand to writing their name with a pencil in preschool. But how do children develop fine…

Lack of Imitation Learning - When to Worry

Language development varies greatly among children, and their passage through the stages of speech development can be very different. I can tell you that I…

How to Deal with Picky Eaters and Food Aversions

What follows is a basic overview of how to deal with food aversion and picky eaters. If your child has issues with eating, I highly…

What is The Best Way to Play with a 6, 12, and 24-Month-Old Child?

6-Month-Old: You are Their Favorite Toy The best way to play with a 6-month-old is by getting down on their level. Make animal noises, do…

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Lack of Sleep: Is it Bad for My Child’s Speech Development?

Every parent worries about how much sleep their kids should get. The day-to-day issues of dealing with children and a lack of sleep become really…