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Toddler development

Best resources for speech therapy at home! We cover parenting tips & speech and language development to bring you all you need to know to keep your child thriving.

5 Tips to Help Your Child Develop Conversation Skills

Children learn to speak in the first two years of life. Long before pronouncing their first word, babies learn the rules of language and how…

How Long Does it Take for a Late Talker to Start Talking?

I wish I could tell you a specific time frame, but I just cannot. Every child develops at his/her own rate of speed and there…

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Potty Training for Late Talkers

Children learning to use the bathroom also learn the vocabulary associated with potty training. If your toddler has a speech delay, they may not be able…

When Do Babies Start Walking and Talking

If you have children and have done your research, you know MOST children take their first steps somewhere between 10 and 12 months. It’s our…

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Language Acquisition Stages in Children

Psychologists describe language acquisition as something that is heavily and mostly dependent on nurture and environment. In other words, children learn first words and more…

The 1st Year of Life: Mental and Physical Development

This is why children go through fussy periods, or “leaps,” in their first year and a half of life. For more information on mental and…

“Baby Talk,” Helpful or a Hindrance?

The reason for this debate, and all the ongoing research, is that speech and language are crucial skills that children begin to learn from infancy….

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Fantastic First Words: Tips to Help Your Baby

But how do you get from simple sounds to first words? Read some tips to help your baby learn to talk! Use Real Words Your…

How Fathers Influence Language Development of Their Children

What happens to those families where there isn’t a mom? Where there are two dads? Does that have an impact on a child’s speech and…

Involve Your Family in Your Child’s Speech Development

Speech therapy is never done inside a vacuum. Besides contacting a speech and language pathologist (SLP), it takes a village to help your child through…


My son was diagnosed with bilateral hearing loss in both ears last year, and after his surgery, Speech Blubs is the best app to get him on track with kids his age.

- By Nola and Kory

6 Stages of Play in Kids (and Play Ideas for Each Stage)

Jump to the second part of the blog, if you are searching for some practical advice, how to plan your toddler activities according to their…

Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development

Children’s development is broken down into four types: fine motor, gross motor, perception, and health, safety, and nutrition. Speech Blubs App for Speech and Language…

Child Brain Development: Early Childhood

Even though the brain develops until it’s 25-years-old, most of its development occurs before the age of six. But, what are the brain’s development stages,…

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Preschoolers with Older Siblings Develop Speech Slower. Why?

Studies on siblings and language development show that children from large families develop communication skills more slowly because of less attention from parents.  However, more…

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Pacifiers: The Pros and Cons

In This Article What is a Pacifier? What are the Pros of Using a Pacifier? What are the Cons of Using a Pacifier?  Pacifiers and…

What are Common 2-Year-Old Milestones?

At the age of two, your child has already made significant developmental progress! But children must continue to progress and grow emotionally, socially, cognitively, and…

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