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Best resources for speech therapy at home! We cover parenting tips & speech and language development to bring you all you need to know to keep your child thriving.


24/7 access to a licensed speech therapist, Stacie Bennett, M.S. CCC-SLP.

How Fathers Influence Language Development of Their Children

What happens to those families where there isn’t a mom? Where there are two dads? Does that have an impact on a child’s speech and…

Infants and Learning through Listening

Listening is an important skill that requires a child to hear a message, understand it, and then act accordingly. Young children who have listening difficulties…

How to Keep Track of Your Child’s Language Progress

This is a great question because it’s something that I know most parents are thinking about as soon as their child starts speaking. We know…

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Leaps and Regressions - First 18 Months of Life

After having two kids, one of which had no signs of sleep regression and one who clearly has restless sleep during certain periods, I can…

When Do Babies Start Talking?

When does Babbling Turn into Talking? With regard to babbling and communication, I can’t really tell you how long it’s going to take for your…

Sensory Play Activities for Babies 0-18 Months

Sensory play for babies and toddlers is an important part of the interactions parents bring to their children. Engaging their senses is the beginning of…

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Why Kids Enjoy Animal Sounds so Much?

If you have ever watched a baby’s reaction to animal sounds like these, they will often react with a smile or a laugh. But, have…

Signs Your Child Is a Late Talker

There are several developmental norms that are looked at with regard to speech and language development. These milestones should be discussed by your child’s pediatrician…

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Mom Guilt — 12 Ways to Deal with It

Every mother (and father!) at some point has these second thoughts. Recently, Serena Williams missed out on her baby Olimpya’s first steps, which led to self-doubts and guilt…


My son was diagnosed with bilateral hearing loss in both ears last year, and after his surgery, Speech Blubs is the best app to get him on track with kids his age.

- By Nola and Kory

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Typical Speech Development: Vocabulary Milestones by Months

One of these words is “semantics,” which is merely technical jargon for “vocabulary.” But, what exactly is vocabulary?  Vocabulary refers to the set of words…

How Long Does it Take for a Late Talker to Start Talking?

I wish I could tell you a specific time frame, but I just cannot. Every child develops at his/her own rate of speed and there…

Your Non-verbal Child: How to Set Communication Goals

Having a non-verbal child isn’t easy. Even knowing what a child’s communication development stages are is a lot of work. Not to mention learning to…

Lack of Imitation Learning - When to Worry

Language development varies greatly among children, and their passage through the stages of speech development can be very different. I can tell you that I…

Turn Household Activities into Speech Therapy: Bathtime

Everyday household tasks or chores can become productive therapy opportunities if you know how to utilize them. For this blog post, I’m going to show…

How to Foster an Early Love of Reading

If you start a routine of reading to your child, you provide health and development benefits that last a lifetime!  To help create a love…

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