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Speech development

Best resources for speech therapy at home! We cover parenting tips & speech and language development to bring you all you need to know to keep your child thriving.

Bilingual Therapy and How Speech Blubs Can Help

Being a Speech Therapist in South Africa, I’ve had to overcome many challenges when providing therapy to almost every child I’ve seen. South Africa has…

Household Activities as Speech Therapy: Fruit Salad

At-home speech therapy activities? What does this mean exactly? When can you do it at home, and what activities are best? Does cooking with children count?…

Turn Household Activities into Speech Therapy: Bathtime

Everyday household tasks or chores can become productive therapy opportunities if you know how to utilize them. For this blog post, I’m going to show…

Rhymes and Their Benefits for Speech

One of my favorite children’s authors, Dr. Seuss wrote, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn,…

25 Language-boosting Toddler Games with a Balloon

First of all, the Speech Bulbs App is one option to consider for toddler language games that is a simple and cost effective place to start. Another…

Music Supports Children’s Brain Development

Seeing your child sway to the rhythm of music is probably one of the most fulfilling moments of your life. From watching their little hands…

25 Kids Games with a Teddy Bear to Develop Language

Kids’ games for learning language can be made up using things that you already have at home. If you want to make a start without…

11 Ways to Support Language during Your Family Meals

Family meals and gatherings are a great opportunity to model the use of language to babies and toddlers. Get the whole family involved and have…

Overcoming Speech and Language Problems at Halloween

Many parents are alarmed when they notice that other children have more developed speech than their kids. Fortunately, this is not as significant a problem…

Early Literacy Skills and How to Encourage Them

Literacy is so much more than just being able to read and write; it’s about understanding, listening, speaking, spelling, and vocabulary. If a child is…


My son was diagnosed with bilateral hearing loss in both ears last year, and after his surgery, Speech Blubs is the best app to get him on track with kids his age.

- By Nola and Kory

How Bedtime Stories can Reinforce Literacy Skills

A bedtime routine with stories builds a foundation of phonics, new vocabulary, and reading comprehension for children. Plus, your reading encourages excitement for reading. We…

Spring Activity to Target Speech Therapy

I’ve found that my daughter is highly motivated by her favorite movie characters and by all things Disney. She also loves going outside, so I’ve…

Is There a Link Between Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Autism?

I have written several blogs for Speech Blubs regarding ASD, causes, symptoms and treatment. Feel free to search for that information, but I won’t be…

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4 Ways To Help A Child With Nonverbal Autism Talk

To help a nonverbal child communicate with even simple words or phrases, early intervention is necessary.  Autism spectrum disorder is complex and most children require…

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Speech and Language Goals for Autistic Kids

When I’m at my private speech therapy practice, parents who have a child with autism always bring in their child’s IEP and have me look…

My Chat w/Mitja Mavsar, Co-Founder of Speech Blubs

Speech Blubs caught my attention, and my young son’s because instead of abstract graphics or images the program featured real children modeling speech. I thought…

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