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Speech development

Best resources for speech therapy at home! We cover parenting tips & speech and language development to bring you all you need to know to keep your child thriving.

Kids Music and Speech Therapy

Music engages a wide range of processing mechanisms, from sound encoding (deciphering a trumpet from a flute) to higher cognitive functions such as sequencing, attention,…

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Typical Speech Development: Vocabulary Milestones by Months

One of these words is “semantics,” which is merely technical jargon for “vocabulary.” But, what exactly is vocabulary?  Vocabulary refers to the set of words…

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7 Ways to Improve Your Child’s Speech Development

What if your child does not reach the average language milestone? After parents get over the initial concern, one of the first steps is to…

The Advantages of Teaching a Foreign Language to Kids

Parents have a lot to discuss when they first have children. One question common to US households is “Should we use both our native and…

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Wonderful Words - Word Learning for Children

First words are often a mixture of family names, and a few random ones like “doggy,” “baby,” “banana,” and the highly favored “no!” But after…

Improve Online Learning for Kids during the Quarantine

However, over time, this way to learn became boring for many children and became a familiar problem for parents. What are the best ways to…

Speech Development Tips for Twins with Speech Delay

However, it seems that this speech is actually the twins imitating each other’s immature language abilities. “Twin language,” often called ‘idioglossia’ or ‘autonomous language,’ is…

10 Christmas Speech Therapy Games for Easy Seasonal Practice

For parents, too, this run-up to the Christmas holidays is a crazy busy time. There are getting kids ready to finish terms, calendar year-end testing,…

102 Fun Christmas Activities for Kids

In This Article 14 Christmas Traditions for Kids12 Outdoor Activities for Kids21 Classic Games for Toddlers21 Physical Activities for Toddlers29 Fine Motor Activities for ToddlersChristmas…

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Speech Therapy at Home: Keep Your Child Progressing!

One such scheduled kid activity could be your little one’s weekly therapy session with the speech-language pathologist (SLP). How frustrating! Just when you’re seeing real…


My son was diagnosed with bilateral hearing loss in both ears last year, and after his surgery, Speech Blubs is the best app to get him on track with kids his age.

- By Nola and Kory

Staying at Home and Developing Spoken Language

As a therapist, I am constantly saying that “therapy is a daily, parent-led, home-placed task”… and therefore the current climate provides an opportunity to try something new…

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Language Acquisition Stages in Children

Psychologists describe language acquisition as something that is heavily and mostly dependent on nurture and environment. In other words, children learn first words and more…

Do Kids from Bilingual Families Start Talking Later?

Bilingual families are not so uncommon these days, and many parents reach out to us with a similar question: “My child is learning two different…

December Activities for Kids to Boost Speech Development

Look no further! Here are some fun December activity ideas that you can do with your child in your own home during the holidays that…

Lack of Imitation Learning - When to Worry

Language development varies greatly among children, and their passage through the stages of speech development can be very different. I can tell you that I…

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Raising a Bilingual Child

Just because a child is being raised in a bilingual home, does not mean they will develop a speech and language delay. I get a…

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