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Best resources for speech therapy at home! We cover parenting tips & speech and language development to bring you all you need to know to keep your child thriving.

Best Silly Songs for Kids

Besides just being fun, music is a great way to teach kids, especially kids who struggle with language delays. The rhythm of the music and…

Child Brain Development: Early Childhood

Even though the brain develops until it’s 25-years-old, most of its development occurs before the age of six. But, what are the brain’s development stages,…

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Pacifiers: The Pros and Cons

In This Article What is a Pacifier? What are the Pros of Using a Pacifier? What are the Cons of Using a Pacifier?  Pacifiers and…

Teach Animal Sound Activities for Toddlers

Typically, simple words like “Mama” and “Dada” are the huge milestones that excite many parents.  But, before true language begins children learn and practice through…

The Complete Guide to Language Learning at Home

How Does Language Develop? Before exploring activities to improve communication skills, we first need to understand how a child’s first words and language skills are…

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Bedtime Tantrums - How to Get Your Toddler to Sleep

The bedtime routine was always fine but she would cry several nights in a row when we tried to put her down. She’d say that…

Benefits of Hugging for Kids & Parents’ Well-being

Hugging her and all my kids always gives me joy and a smile on my face. But the benefits of hugging your kids are so…

Language Activities to Improve Speech for Babies and Toddlers

As language skills are acquired, and vocabulary is increased on a weekly or even daily basis, it will be determined primarily by the adults in…

Summer Activities to Target Speech and Language Development

With summer quickly approaching, there are many different activities that you can do to target speech and language skills. Although some of these activities work…

How to Teach Music for Babies

While most children won’t grow up to become the next great composer, baby music class has plenty of benefits for your baby’s development. When to…


My son was diagnosed with bilateral hearing loss in both ears last year, and after his surgery, Speech Blubs is the best app to get him on track with kids his age.

- By Nola and Kory

The Best Inexpensive Children’s Books that Foster Reading

Babies love to listen to your voice in utero, and that love continues when they join us earth-side. There are many different things you can…

Sensory Play Activities for Babies 0-18 Months

Sensory play for babies and toddlers is an important part of the interactions parents bring to their children. Engaging their senses is the beginning of…

Reading vs. Adult Communication

Reading is excellent for so many different skills beyond speech and language development. It works on attention, comprehension, vocabulary, turn-taking, and fine motor skills such…

What is Independent Play for Kids?

What is Independent Play? Independent play or solitary play is a developmental stage where a child can play by themselves. While each child will develop…

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Wonderful Words - Word Learning for Children

First words are often a mixture of family names, and a few random ones like “doggy,” “baby,” “banana,” and the highly favored “no!” But after…

Activities To Increase Brain Power In Children Under 6

Based on Jean Piaget’s four stages of cognitive development, children learn differently from adults. They rely highly on their environment and their senses compared to…

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